What does NEN-ISO 3834 entail?

In short, this standard includes: The quality requirements for fusion welding of metal.

It is common to use ISO 9001 certified companies to produce products, so the customer is assured that the product meets all stated requirements.
However, ISO 9001 says nothing about welding other than that it is a 'special process'.

That is why ISO 3834 was created as a useful tool/supplement to provide a good quality assurance system for welding-related processes and to demonstrate that the welding company operates at a higher level.

ISO 3834 has three levels of certification, namely:

ISO 3834-2: Extensive quality requirements
Company operates at the top; documentation is required.
ISO 3834-3: Standard quality requirements
Company meets welding technical requirements; recording may be required.
ISO 3834-4: Basic quality requirements
Company masters the basics of welding technology, registration not required.
Quality procedures
When a company is certified according to ISO 3834, it works from described (quality) procedures that may be in conjunction with ISO 9001. The area of validity runs from the moment the order is received until delivery of the manufactured product.

The following points may be considered:

Assessment of requirements
Technical assessment
Outsourcing of work (welding / non-destructive testing (NDT) / strength calculations)
Welders (LK), company qualifications (LMK) and welding method descriptions (LMBs)
Production planning
Checking incoming goods
Description and maintenance of equipment
Storage of parent materials and welding consumables
Identification during the production process

In order for a company to obtain the ISO 3834 certificate, all of the above points must be met. This is tested by means of an audit by a notified body (NOBO) of an accredited independent third-party inspection body, for example Apragaz

Predelta Industrie is accredited by Apragaz as an ISO 3834-2 company and operates at the highest level of ISO 3834. We meet the most extensive quality requirements.

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